
The category object is a taxonomy for vouchers, events and products and is used on stores to decide where each product is shown as the customer can navigate to a category via the interface and each category can be linked to directly with the permalink.

The home page is added to every products as a non-removeable category by default and can be identified by the homePageCategory attribute.

List categories


Returns a list of all categiories that the API key has access to, you can pass domainID as a parameter to filter the locations to a specific property.

  "data": [
        "categoryID": 3837,
        "domainID": 1006,
        "name": "Valentine's Day Gifts",
        "permalink": "valentines-day-gifts",
        "status": "Live",
        "visibility": "Public",
        "visibleFrom": null,
        "visibleTo": null,
        "images": {},
        "homePageCategory": false,
        "dateCreated": "2022-01-14 09:47:14",
        "dateUpdated": "2022-01-14 09:57:43",
        "userID": 5686,
        "productType": "Vouchers",
        "seoPageTitle": "",
        "order": 0,
        "hideCategoryNavigation": false,
        "introductionTitle": "",
        "introductionDescription": "",
        "seoMetaDescription": "",
        "homeHeaderText": "Gift Vouchers and Experiences"

Last updated