
The location object represent a real world venue, a single property may have many locations up and down the country for example. Redemptions, topups and new orders can all be assigned a locationID to identify where they occured on a granular level.

All API keys have access to this endpoint.

List locations

GET https://api.giftpro.co.uk/locations/

The locations can be filtered to those assigned to a specific property using domainID as a filter parameter

Query Parameters




Show only locations assigned to the specified property

      "locationID": 71,
      "name": "Lymington Hotel Montagne",
      "addressLine1": "Stirley House",
      "addressLine2": "Stirley Park",
      "locality": "Lymington",
      "county": "Hampshire",
      "country": "United Kingdom",
      "address": "GBP"

Last updated